User Guide

(1)General Guidelines for all customers and vendors:

1. General Introduction

Please view basic Workflow

Instruction videos : Setup Store, Publish Products & Order Products  ,  Publishing Variable Products  ,  Shipping, Order Completed, Refund and Withdraw Setting up SEO

Any one can login to test or learn how to work as a Vendor or Customer with our demo accounts. For testing vendors, username: demo and password: demo2023 ; For testing customers, username: demo2 and password: demo2023 . Please contact us via if you have any more questions.

2. Customer or Vendor Register / Application

On Homepage right top, anyone can click iconicon 1to register as Customer or Vendor , or customers apply to become a Vendor in their account, then  wait for website’s approval. For vendor’s approval, please send Business License and contact infomation to support@canadiangiftmarket .

If you don’t have any Password to login, please check your email or click ” Forgot Password?” with your email addresson LOGIN page, you will set your Password for Login.

3. Order Approval

To make sure wholesale businesses’ inventory available online,  customers need to order products for vendor’s  approval, then receive an notification email to make a payment by Paypal or Credit cards after approval.

(2)Vendor Guide:

View the instruction videos :  Setup Store, Publish Products & Order ProductsShipping, Order Completed, Refund and Withdraw

There are powerful e-commerce functions and features with WooCommerce and Dokan on the website, vendors need to know how to work as below. All the guide documents will be found at Dokan Docs .

1. Go to Vendor Dashboard and Vendor’s Store as below.

dashboard 1

store 1

2. On Settings, vendors will set up Store, Payment, Shipping, Social Profile, RMA ( Return and Return – Warranty) and more.

Click to view Instruction

Important Note:

2-1. Store Setting:

How to set your store location on Google Map?  Enlarge Map and double click your location on the map, then save it. Watch Instruction Video

2-2. Payments:

On the website, only Paypal and Credit Card are acceptalbe for customers to order products. For vendors’withdraw, Paypal and Email transfer are options.

2-3. Shipping:

Quick view the video Setup Shipping Zone Rates

For most vendors, Shipping Methods are setup on Store Settings only instead of product shipping setting on Product page.

2-3-1. Shipping Methods :  Two method systems available — Old Shipping Method and Zone Wise Shipping (NEW)

2-3-1a. Old Shipping :

Simple method, click to see Instruction

2-3-1b. Zone Wise Shipping (NEW) :

Quick overview of the feature, click to watch the vedio

Note:  We don’t use Shipping Classes on the website.

This is a Powerful system, click to see general Instruction . Within the shipping system, there are 5 shipping methods for choosing, Local Pickup, Free Shipping, Flat Shipping, Table Rate and Distance Rate .

For example, shown on pictures and video below,  a vendor locates in Vancouver, (1) My Local is set as Vancouver/Burnaby/Richmond with Post Code,  shipping method is Local Pickup and Free Shipping ( sales more than $100 ) , (2) For other area in BC, select British Columbia and set Shipping method as Table Shipping — $20 shipping fee if sales is less than $100, 20% sales amount as shipping fee if sales is more than $100.  Watch the video Setup Shipping Zone Rates

shipping mylocal

shipping table rates

2-3-2. Shipping Status :

Customers can track products with the new Shipping Status system. click to see the video Shipping, Order Completed, Refund and Withdraw 

2-4. RMA (Return and Refund Policy): 

For product warranty, all vendors are required to meet the website’s Return Policy or setup stores’ warranty which is higher level. In general, minimum 7 days warranty after the customer receiving products and the website Admin have right to make a final decision on product’s Return and Refund.

2-5. Store SEO : 

Store SEO helps you drive traffic to your online store and helps increase sales. click to view Instruction

3. Products:

3-1. Add or edit  simple products, quickly view the video  Setup Store, Publish Products & Order Products , or view the details at Instuction .

How to publish a product with more colors, more taxes and more prices?  Please watch the video Publishing Variable Products

If any vendor needs more Product Categories, please contact our Web Admin to add or modify our Product Categories.

3-2. Sales Taxes

In Canada there are different Sales Taxes in different provinces and for different customers ( consumers and resellers), and vendors should confirm which taxes can be used for your different customers according to your local Tax Policy. This website presets some Tax Systems for vendors to select on Product pages as below:

3-2-1. Standard Rates ( for consumers) 

Alberta: GST 5% 
British Columbia: GST 5% + PST 7%
Manitoba: GST 5%
New Brunswick: HST 15% 
Newfoundland: HST 15% 
Northwest Territories: GST 5%
Nova Scotia: HST 15% 
Ontario: HST 13% 
Prince Edward Island: HST 15% 
Quebec: GST 5%
Saskatchewan: GST 5%
Yukon: GST 5% 
Exported: GST  0% 

3-2-2. Reseller Tax Rates ( for resellers) 

Alberta: GST 5% 
British Columbia: GST 5%
Manitoba: GST 5% 
New Brunswick: HST 15% 
Newfoundland: HST 15% 
Northwest Territories: GST 5%
Nova Scotia: HST 15% 
Ontario: HST 13% 
Prince Edward Island: HST 15% 
Quebec: GST 5%
Saskatchewan: GST 5%
Yukon: GST 5% 
Exported: GST  0% 

3-2-3. Zero Rate, GST Rate and more rates:

For some special products, only 0% tax or GST has been preset to select as below. If any vendor needs more special tax rates, please let us know so that we add or modify these tax rates.

Zero Tax : 0% for all areas and customers

GST Tax: 5% for all areas and customers

3-2-4. How to set taxes?

For single businesses ( Retaill or Wholesale) : Vendors select one of the TAX SYSTEM on Product pages, e.g. selecting Reseller rates.

For some businesses with Retail and Wholesale, vendors sometimes need to set 2 Tax rates for one product so that customers can choose one of them when placing orders. Please watch the video Publishing Variable Products.

If any vendor needs more tax rates, please contact our Web Admin to add or modify our tax system.

4 . Coupons

4-1. Create Coupons: 

Vendors can create coupons on your store or creates discount for some of your products. See Instruction 

4-2. Wholesale Products: 

There are some methods to process wholesale business.

4-2-1. If you have products for wholesale only, you can set your wholesale price directly on product pages.

4-2-2. If you have products for wholesale and retail together, you can set retail prices on product pages, then set a Wholesale Coupons for wholesale customers to use.

4-2-3. Using variable products feature, you can publish a product with more prices and more taxes. Watch the video Publishing Variable Products

5. Orders

As a vendor, how to process orders? Please watch the instruction video  Setup Store, Publish Products & Order Products ,   Shipping, Order Completed, Refund and Withdraw  

More details is shown on the Instruction .

6. Return and Refund 

If any product meet Return and Refund Warranty, vendors will process it. 

How to process Refund Products?   Watch the instruction video   Shipping, Order Completed, Refund and Withdraw  .  More details shown on Instruction .

7. Withdraw Earning

Vendors will withdraw vendors’ earning via Paypal or Email transfer on the website. View the Instruction 

8. Store Support

Vendors can setup Store Support for customers. Watch the video

9. SEO

SEO will  help vendors’ stores and products searched by Google Search, Bing, Facebook and more. View the video Setting up SEO